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About Me

I'm a wife, mother and new grandmother to the most precious little angel, Georgia Grace!  Taking pictures has always been in my blood.  I grew up in a the age of film photography and taking pictures just wasn't that important to my family.  If they did take a picture, they got it developed and threw it in a box that we might come across years later.  When I had my own family, taking pictures was very important to me.  Yes, it was still film but I made sure to document every event that happened in my children's lives.  I actually had them developed, and arranged them chronologically in photo albums, of which I have many.  Fast forward to two years ago, when my sweet granddaughter was born, I decided that I needed to take my photos to the next level so I bought the gear I needed and started learning everything I could about the art.  I quickly found that I didn't just enjoy taking pictures anymore and that it was my passion.  I want to help others capture memories that they can cherish forever.  I enjoy getting to know my clients and love feeling a part of their lives even if for just the duration of our session.  If you're reading this, I hope to someday be able to help you capture memories for you and your family too!


Contact Me

Panama City Beach, FL 32413

Tel: 850-264-7320

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